Wednesday, July 09, 2008


...rain. It hasn't stopped all day in London. I don't know why I'm so surprised - I was born in this country and am used to the irrational weather patterns we have here. The raindrops look so pretty, don't they? I do love the rain, when I'm tucked safely away inside.

Needless to say, the little one and I haven't managed to go out at all today. But it's okay, because it gave me the chance, in the in-between bits of looking after Little Planet, to curl up on the sofa and read Jhumpa Lahiri's splendid new collection Unaccustomed Earth.

And I was relieved a little that it was raining, because there is only so much strolling around the local neighbourhood one can do without going stir crazy.


30in2005 said...

In the weekend gone by I could NOT put down Unaccustomed Earth, giving up hours of sleep to get through it. It is so good - one of my favourite books from this year.

Anonymous said...

Another coincidence! I found Lahiri's other two books just as addictive. She's a marvellous story-teller - relying not on fancy words and phrases but on good old character and plot. It's refreshing.