Sunday, September 28, 2008


Little Planet has reached a number of milestones in the last week or so. She's grasping her toys and reaching out for them, she's doing tummy time at 90 degrees and often fully supporting herself on outstretched arms, she's bringing her hands together, she's holding her feet, she's reaching out to touch things, she's let out a couple of chuckles, and she's successfully moved from her Moses basket (bassinet) to her cot.

Here she is being propped up in her cot, which she really enjoys...

And she enjoys watching the Tweenies on her tummy!

And this weekend, Little Planet met some of our milestones. We took her shopping down Bond Street, then she joined us for coffee at our favourite cafe in Soho - Fernandez & Wells...

And then she enjoyed watching the pigeons, fountain and particularly the people strolling through Russell Square. The next milestone we want her to meet is to join us at a gallery.

M is away in the States again all this week and so it is just Little Planet and myself. He left this morning at the ungodly hour of 5am but I miss him already. I am enjoying spending time with Little Planet more and more now that she is becoming more interactive and expressive (I am enjoying her more at 3 months than at 1 and 2 months). And my love for her is growing each day too as I get to know her better (I admit that when she was a newborn I couldn't quite relate to this wriggling little thing who couldn't do much but was so needy and demanding of my time - I have never been a "baby person"). But I miss adult company and I miss someone sharing the parenting load with me. I am not cut out, temperamentally, to be a stay-at-home-mum (though I admire SAHMs immensely - looking after babies fulltime is a much tougher job than being a working professional) and I have always intended to return to work after my maternity leave finishes. My mother-in-law, mother and many of my friends are busy this week so it will be a lonely one for me. I just need to keep busy and pray the week goes by quickly.


RD said...

How long before you have to go back to work?

Your weekend strolls through Soho and Mayfair were an inspiration for my own weekends. I used to live in Marylebone but tended not to think of Soho on weekends, but with some of your tips discovered it was so interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi BB, How's NYC? I've taken a full year off so just over 8 months to go if I do not decide to go back earlier.

Anonymous said...

ph, your baby is just so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Broom. Is your blog site still password protected? How do I read it? Can email me at planethalder at gmail...