Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Days of Being Wild

Tonight we saw Wong Kar-Wai 's tightly scripted and beautifully shot Days of Being Wild at the NFT.

Yuddy lives the reckless life in Hong Kong, relentlessly seducing then forsaking young women, before setting off in search of the mother who left him as a baby in the custody of a prostitute aunt.

The women in the movie are equally lonely and rootless, searching for but never finding an emotional anchor for lives that are in constant flux.

Despite the bleak existentialism of this and all Kar-Wai's films, the strong characterisation and superb performances ensure that we genuinely care for each and every seemingly unredeemable character.

Wong Kar-Wai stands apart from the mainstream Hong Kong movie scene you may be familiar with, and seems to have more in common with French cinema. The NFT is showing a season of his films this month. So what are you waiting for?

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