Friday, March 25, 2011

A spring day

Mr Planet had the day off work today. Together, we dropped Little Planet off at daycare then returned home. He prepared us both a simple and delicious breakfast of egg with guacamole.

We inspected our garden as it bursts into Spring. Here are our tulips budding to life.

Mr Planet enjoyed his coffee and magazine in the sunshine.

He decided to freshen up one of our outside walls with white paint. He'll cover a portion of this wall with blackboard paint so Little Planet can chalk on it to her heart's content.

Meanwhile, I got on with revising my second draft. Goodness, I've found loads of holes in the manuscript that need plugging.


Bombay Beauty said...

PH - thanks for dropping by my blog the other day - of course i remember you! glad to see your MS is in second draft -- well done! and blackboard walls are the best -- all kids (and adults!) should have one! xo bb

Planethalder said...


Metropolitan Mum said...

Looks like a perfect day to me. I might need to convince to take a 'nursery day' off soon, too. Just me and him, it's been a while.
PS: Exciting, you are on your second draft!!!