Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Let it be noted, that at 37 weeks and 4 days, I am now officially bored of being pregnant. Yes, I am seeing family and meeting up with new friends from my antenatal class, I am dreaming of the baby, I am reading and sitting in the garden and buying baby things. But I am too big, too inflexible, too tired, too hot and too nauseous to enjoy anything now. Today, all I could do was sleep all day and feel nauseous and it was boring. I want M to stay at home so he can keep me company, so he can keep my mind off things, so he can be the person I can whinge and whine to to my heart's content. As afraid as I am of the birth, I just want her to be born now.


thisisnaive said...

I keep hoping that pregnancy is not as hard as everyone says...

Anonymous said...

Hi Tommy, Me too :-) Unfortunately birth stories vary in their pain quotient. I'm really trying not to think too much about it and focus on the outcome :-Z

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just re-read your comment - you said pregnancy, not birth. Well, my pregnancy has been absolutely fine. I had mild nausea during my first trimester but really the pregnancy was uneventful. It's just in the last few weeks when I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable and, frankly, bored.

Premalatha said...

Unfortunately birth stories vary in their pain quotient.

it is about the difference between expectation and the actual. ;-) Also, how did you feel when you first drank alcohol? did you feel totally tipsy? I know it is about the quantity of alcohol too, but when you first had alcohol, how did you do it? I was not tipsy. I was totally observant about the changes and was disappointed that nothing greatly happened. that is the trick. Be observant. You won't feel a thing. Well, not really but, .. :-) I was glad I got to go through up to 9cm. Now I know what it is like. I am glad I got to experience it.

Olivia said...

Imagine if you had to carry her through June, July and August...!

Anonymous said...

hey hon....cheer up!!

I can imagine how hard it must be...now when all u can do is lie on the bed most of the time...but as lame as it sounds....just a few more days :)

And its a girl?? U know already??


RD said...

I can't imagine what it's like. But I continually impressed by how mobile you have been until now. Take this chance -- whine all you want! You have every excuse! Take care. xoxo BB

Anonymous said...

Hey B. "I want M to stay at home so he can keep me company" Once Baby P arrives who will never be alone for the next 18 years! (well give or take the odd school trip) Enjoy - I can't speak for myself but everyone feels the same at this stage from what I hear......cue sound of grumpy, hot later stage pregnant women in the background.