...for a quick update though little in my routine has changed: My
weekends are filled with the usual activity - museums and galleries (alone with Mr Planet, or
en famille as Little Planet is beginning to love these spaces too - that's my girl!), eating out, going for walks, cooking, baking, chilling, visiting with family and friends. I'm reading a lot too. Recent books I've loved include
The Cookbook Collector,
The Hand That First Held Mine and
Ms. Hempel Chronicles. And I'm still knitting - mainly scarves for Little Planet and myself as I don't have to concentrate too much and can knit whilst Little Planet plays.
In a couple of weekends, Little Planet will be Christened - as a Catholic, like myself. Though it may be interesting for you to know that her father is an atheist, her maternal grandparents are Hindu, her paternal grandmother is Methodist, her paternal grandfather is Jewish and her childminders are Muslim. And when I was younger, I called myself a Zen Catholic - go ahead and Google the term, it makes for interesting reading - as I segued from Buddhism to Catholicism (but that's a whole other story). We truly are a 21st Century family as far as belief goes.
Here's her Christening dress:
My weekdays are filled with writing the second draft. That's it.
This is my life right now. So, until later...